Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Drawings

I like to have this kind of bedroom,  Wow.

Behind every great kid are great parents.

I drew this when I was six.

I cut constrution paper and assembled this nice girl.

This is one of my best paintings when I was 6.

This is a really happy home.

I drew and gave this to my Mom.

I really like Mulan's movie.

I drew this for my little brother.

This is a soccer team practicing in the field. Sorry,I forgot to draw the rest of the body for the head on the top right. Pretty funny,huh.


  1. Excellent drawings. Sahithi, keep up your good work.

  2. Brilliant drawings!!!!!

    Great work, waiting for your next postings.

  3. Loved all of them!! Sahithi I still remember the mermaid drawing you did in Shobha aunty's house a year(hmmm may be 2) ago. You should also put it up.
    Srujana aunty(Sriram's mommy)


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